The events are in this order as occured in the world history;
1) Sepoy Rebellion (This is also known as Indian Mutiny, the Great Rebellion, the Revolt of 1857 etc. and was the first major uprising against East India Company and reportedly set path for the establishment of British Raj in India)
2) British Raj established. (1858)
3) World War 1 (1914)
4) Amritsar Massacre (1919) (This is also known in Indian History as The Jallianwala Bagh massacre)
Hello there! I just took the Edgenuity test, and the correct answers are:
- To recognize American Independence
- To give up claims to lands west of the colonies, to the Mississippi River
Hope this helps!
The EIC called them 'British naval power' and 'crown troops' stationed in India. With many military advantages on their side, EIC became a powerful player in the local polity as it was involved in local disputes. The Mughals, taking stock of the British fortifying Calcutta's Fort William, attacked them.
In 1772, under Warren Hastings, the East India Company took over revenue collection directly in the Bengal Presidency (then Bengal and Bihar), establishing a Board of Revenue with offices in Calcutta and Patna, and moving the pre-existing Mughal revenue records from Murshidabad to Calcutta.
plz mark as brainliest
Trickle-down economics, or “trickle-down theory,” states that tax breaks and benefits for corporations and the wealthy will trickle down to everyone else. It argues for income and capital gains tax breaks or other financial benefits to large businesses, investors, and entrepreneurs to stimulate economic growth. The argument hinges on two assumptions: All members of society benefit from growth, and growth is most likely to come from those with the resources and skills to increase productive output.
because the fault could shift and move and the high rise would start to sink, fall, or become unstable and easy for an earthquake to destroy.