To show that representation of all people is require thus we have to follow what the people want, not what we want and to do so we can't have proportional representation.
The Grimke sisters were prominent figures for women's rights and very passionate in their Abolition cause. Their arguments were based on the morality of man. Back then, it was morally and socially acceptable for a man to possess a slave and beat and mistreat him.
The third Reich is the correct answer
During 1930–1933, the mood in Germany was grim. The worldwide economic depression had hit the country hard, and millions of people were out of work. The unemployed were joined by millions of others who linked the Depression to Germany's national humiliation after defeat in World War 1. Many Germans perceived the parliamentary government coalition as weak and unable to alleviate the economic crisis. Widespread economic misery, fear, and perception of worse times to come, as well as anger and impatience with the apparent failure of the government to manage the crisis, offered fertile ground for the rise of Adolf Hitler and his Nazi Party.
The answer is similar experience to the trip you feel when
doing drugs. This is promulgated by an
international organization founded by the Indian guru Maharishi Mahesh Yogi (c.
1911–2008). This is a technique for separating oneself from anxiety and endorsing
harmony and self-realization by meditation, repetition of a mantra, and other
yogic practices.