b. Kentucky, Georgia, and Tennessee; these were in which we earned the most money.
Use a semicolon between independent clauses joined by a coordinating conjunction if the clauses are already punctuated with commas or if the clauses are lengthy
Evenness means an equality between two species, or to sets of variables in mathematics, so evenness of mind and temper would be a tranquility or peace between these two parts of your body.
A ten letter word with this meaning is Equanimity.
Definition: mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation.
He said it better than others because he doing what it best for him.
Naomi was a wealthy lady who lived in the land of Israel with her family. one year the harvest was bad and everyone came to Naomi's husband for money and food. ( Some say her husband wanted the people to pray for rain instead of just relying on charity.) Not wanting to give food the family packed up and moved to Moab. There his two sons married the two princesses of Moab. One married Orpah and the other Ruth. However, God wasn't happy the family left Israel and Ruth's husband died. After that the family fell into a downward spiral first they lost their animals, then land. then money, until finally the sons lost their lives. Naomi realizing that Moab would only bring her sorrow she a once wealthy lady now a pauper decided to go back home.
here is a link to the story of Ruth