Answer: Soil. Soil. Soil. and Understanding a Changing Landscape
Global warming. If the center of our earth weren't warming continuously or weren't as active, we would have as much global warming.
Freedom of faith was a big motivation for the English. In 1620, a group of settlers left England to seek the New World. Many were separatists, who believed the Church of England was dishonorable. By seeking out the New World, they were trying to break away and worship their own faith.
Era En el año 1838 yo creo
El término Inquisición o Santa Inquisición hace referencia a varias instituciones dedicadas a la supresión de la herejía, mayoritariamente en la Iglesia católica. ... La Inquisición medieval se fundó en 1184 en la zona de Languedoc (en el sur de Francia) para combatir la herejía de los cátaros o albigenses.
Espero haberlo ayudado y que tenga un día maravilloso.