The bank wants to give you an incentive to pay back the loan. If they did not hold your assets as collateral, you could simply fail to pay back the loan and really not lose anything other than your credit score. Many borrowers already have tarnished credit scores, so that is rarely enough incentive to base a loan on.
I would put this into your own words considering I copied and pasted it. Other than that I hope this helps!
Well one push factor would be they wanted to escape religious and political prosecution. Another is the Potato Famine. This was when their potatoes were contaminated and many died from starvation and disease.
I hope this helps somehow ;)
Answer: the answer is A
Explanation: the declared public policy within the Soviet Union of openly and frankly discussing economic and political realities: initiated under Mikhail Gorbachev in 1985.
Answer:George Washington
The Judiciary Act of 1789, officially titled "An Act to Establish the Judicial Courts of the United States," was signed into law by President George Washington on September 24, 1789. Article III of the Constitution established a Supreme Court, but left to Congress the authority to create lower federal courts as needed.
Nationalism helps the government to flourish a specific industry, in nationalization the companies are occupied and managed by the government officials.
<h3>What is Nationalization?</h3>
Nationalization is the process in which the private organizations are acquired by the government and then the government officials manage the company and provide their best strategies which makes the company and the industry to flourish.
Nationalization has always been great full for the industries to grow and reach boom. Britain's textile industry was not performing well and for this reason the Great Britain accepted a nationalization strategy which gave the Britain's textile industry the upper hand and so the industry flourished.
There are some countries in the world where nationalization strategy is adopted to ensure the industry and the economy remains to flourish.
Learn more about Nationalism at