His “white eyes writhing in his face”, “his hanging face”, the blood jolts “gargling from the froth-corrupted lungs” — all are expressive of the tragic situation the soldiers have to face in war. So, imagery is the device the poet has employed in the poem 'Dulce et Decorum Est' to convey his anti-war message.
"The great Gatsby" contains many symbols open to the interpretation of those who are reading the book and relating them to the themes presented in the story. One of these symbols is Dr. Eckleberg’s eyes, which are painted on a billboard facing the Valley of the Ashes (a dangerous, demoralized, ugly place resulting from the greed of the rich).
These eyes can represent the eyes of God, judging the greed, pride and dehumanization of American society that is always in search of wealth and goods, even if it implies the destruction of other people and the sadness of many.
This meaning is related to the "American dream" that is portrayed as one of the themes of this book. Thus, the billboard sends the message of how the American dream can be empty and disadvantageous in some situations.
Ok so it says to close read.
Ok so lets begin. I read the story first. So that would be the first thing would'd do. Then, you number the paragraphs. Next, spreate the paragraphs into chunks. Then, reread chunk and circle any unfimilar words. Star any important details. Underline anything that suprised you. Then, after doing that, summerize the chunk and go to the next chunk. The for step one, substitute each choice for the phrase in the text to see which meaning makes sence. Then explain what helped you understand the meaning of "'shined a light on many rock starts' pathes". Hope this helped!