Everyone thought that the <em>Salvadoran</em> food was fabuloso!
The word Salvadoran is the name of the food being describe hence it can be italicized since it can also be rescinded or ignored in the sentence. However to help specify the reader's understanding of the writer's message the name is given. Moreover the predicate adjective faubuloso shouldn't be italicized.
Alice Paul learned how to use this aggressive approach in England and brought it to the United States.
I hope this helps
It is because in the whole part of the narrative the dog was very consistent in doing the right thing and helping others such as the baby. After all his loyalty to the family, he was still accused and is hated by the people. And then the truth came and he received praises from different people.
The best answer to the question: Which is the best critique explaining why Henrique should revise the summary? would be: He needs to revise the summary and add a little more descriptive language to give it a bit more life.
When you read this particulat summary, you do not get much more from it than a bit of general information on how the events of the story developed and followed. However, it is merely flat, completely emotionless and does not stir a reader to want to know, or read, any further. Literally, Henrique hands over the facts of the story without adding a bit of language, known as figurative language, to leave the reader with the desire to learn more and read more. That is why the critique would be that he needs to add more figurative language to increase the interest of the reader in the story.
I think the author used Spanish word in story to give us a better understanding and example of the story.
At least that's what I would write