The rhyme schemes of the sonnet follow two basic patterns. (1) The Italian sonnet (also called the Petrarchan sonnet after the most influential of the Italian sonneteers) comprises an 8-line 'octave' of two quatrains, rhymed abbaabba, followed by a 6-line 'sestet' usually rhymed cdecde or cdcdcd. So false
C. A hook
Explanation: the hook is what draws the readers attention in, the hook is is the very first sentence so that the readers can be interested in what the topic is about.
Both poems ask the subjects (the tiger and the lamb) who created them. Both poems point to a fact that there had to be some higher being that created them so perfectly. Both poems also use repetition in the beginnings and ends. Both poems highlight an importance of believing in Gods and creators.
They told the coach last night at the game. The coach taught us a new skill.