The number of ways 4 digit numbers can be forms using the digits 0 to 9 with no number repeated is given by

The probability that one of the numbers is 9876 is given by
Mathematics is very important in a small business is because when you make money transactions with other people you need to know how to count money correctly and your calculations can’t be wrong. Mathematics is definitely helpful to me because Artificial Intelligence is taking on jobs, so we have to step up our game.
288 divided by 12 = 24
240 divided by 10 = 24
1 quarter = 25 cents.
1 dime = 10 cents.
3 quarters = 3*25 = 75 cents.
10 cents = 1 dime.
75 cents = 75 / 10 dimes
= 7.5 dimes.
Therefore 3 quarters equal 7.5 dimes.