The U.S. Exclusive Economic Zone extends 200 miles from a country’s coastline,giving that country exclusive control over any natural resources.
When Uranium-238 decays, it emits 8 Alpha particles and 6 beta particles before finally becoming the stable daughter product. The atomic number and mass number of the daughter product is 92 and 234 respectively.
In the process of decay of Uranium-238, it emits alpha particles, and the resultant product is Thorium-234, which turns into Protactinium-234, and this Protactinium-234 undergoes the beta decay to form the Uranium-234.
As per the question, a stable daughter product is created after the emission of alpha and beta particles, this implies that Uranium-234 is a stable product after the decay of Uranium-238. Therefore, the atomic number is 92 (number of protons) and the mass number is 234 (protons+neutrons) which is also the element of the naming.
The Thames, my dear child.
*** River Thames***
not ''Thames River''
Layers of the soil are called horizons. Here are the horizons:
- Humus
- Topsoil
- Subsoil
- Fragmented rock
- Bedrock
Once a soil has developed, it forms layers called horizons. Beneath a surface layer of a plant remains, the topsoil is rich in decomposed plants and animal matter. The subsoil is mainly mineral particles, with much less organic material. The fragmented rock/bedrock is primarily small stones, and beneath it lies all bedrock.
Hope this answer helps you!