Chloroplasts = photosynthesis
mitochondria= cellular respiration
d. It is assumed that the search pool is ordered.
A binary search/logarithimic search/half interval search/binary chop refers to search algorithm in computer science that sorts data in array in key:value arrangements. In order to locate a value in binary search, the key to the value in a sorted array is located. A binary search is characterized by an ascending, descending order arrangement of the array.
The purpose of a URL is to help users get to websites easier. A URL (Uniform resource locator) is that tab at the top of your web browser that you type into. Like if you want to go to google, you would type in So the answer is true.
Option C is the correct option.
When any email or message is received from the FBI in the user's computer system and the following message is about the user's computer system has been locked and they demand some amount to unlock their data or information.
So, the following scenario is about the ransomware because they ransom money to retrieve their data and information from the system.
Registers, arithmetic-logic unit (ALU), program counter (PC)...