Answer: Unified communication
Explanation: Unified communication is the communication technique in which merges various communication routines into a individual business.It works as the phone system which helps in increment of productivity in an organizational business.
The unifying of voice,data/information,video etc is done for optimizing and improving the business that also results in faster communication rates, secure communication etc.
Because the virus disguises it self as something you are trying to download, then it attackes your device
same encryption certificate
only logical xD
b. you need it to do your homework
def scramble(s):
if len(s) % 2 == 1:
index = int(len(s)//2)
index = int(len(s)/2)
return s[index:] + s[:index]
Create a function called scramble that takes one parameter, s
Check the length of the s using len function. If the length is odd, set the index as the floor of the length/2. Otherwise, set the index as length/2. Use index value to slice the s as two halves
Return the second half of the s and the second half of the s using slice notation (s[index:] represents the characters from half of the s to the end, s[:index] represents the characters from begining to the half of the s)