To find the answer you need to write equivalent fractions with larger denominators. If you multiply each fraction by 3/3 then your equivalent fractions would be
3/5 × 3/3 = 9/15
4/5 × 3/3 = 12/15
Now we have two fractions that are equivalent to the original fractions and we can easily see that 2 fractions between 9/15 and 12/15 would be...
10/15 and 11/15
(10/15 can reduce to 2/3 so your answers could also be 2/3 and 11/15)
What the actual fu- ajsksjjsjs
Answer: Pt = Ng / Nt
Step-by-step explanation:
Where Ng = number of customers that order food to go as reported at Anita's
Nt = total number of customers reported at Anita's
Pt = probability that a customer will order food to go at Anita's
Pt= Ng/Nt
696.9 cm^3 to the nearest tenth.
Step-by-step explanation:
Radius of the egg = 1/2 * 11 = 5.5 cm.
Volume = 4/3 * pi * 5.5^3
= 696.9099703