Modifiers in a sentence should generally be placed as close to the noun, word, or phrase they're intended to modify. Misplaced modifiers can cause confusion (or sometimes a good laugh) when they're placed too far from the noun they're modifying.
Wednesday morning in mantua
the first paragraph of act 5 states this
Put it in a museum and dedicate it to the lives lost.
<em>The story is set in a make-believe world where a group of children encounter</em>
<em>The story is set in a make-believe world where a group of children encountera witch and are guided by a talking lion</em>.
This is fantasy.
<em>The story involves a human prisoner colony on the planet Venus where it</em>
<em>The story involves a human prisoner colony on the planet Venus where itrains perpetually and the sun shines only for one day every seven years.</em>
This is a dystopia
<em>The story is about a little girl who travels through a rabbit's burrow to a land</em>
<em>The story is about a little girl who travels through a rabbit's burrow to a landfull of surprises and strange creatures</em>.
This is fantasy.
<em>The story is about a country where the government bans the reading and</em>
<em>The story is about a country where the government bans the reading andcirculation of books. A mechanical hound hunts people who dare to read</em><em>.</em>
This is a dystopia
Fantasy- Something that basically does not happen in real life (such as the existence of magic)
Dystopia- Usually describes a future which is full of wrong-doing and injustice