187 cm²
Step-by-step explanation:
The bottom rectangle area is easy, it is 15*9 = 135 cm².
To find the area of the triangle, you only need the base width and its height (you don't need the hypotenuse). You can then use the formula: area triangle is base times half height.
The base width is 15-7 = 8 cm
The height is 22-9 = 13 cm
So the area of the triangle is 13*8/2 = 52 cm²
Together with the 135 of the rectangle that sums to 52+135 = 187 cm².
1= 2,400 feet
2= 154 meters
3= 120 pints
4= 2. 056 centigrams
5= 16.1 C
6= 50F
7= -2.8C
1= multiply the length value by 3
2= divide the length value by 10
3= multiply the volume value by 8
4= divide the mass value by 10
5= Take the °F temperature and subtract 32. Multiply this number by 5. Divide this number by 9 to obtain your answer in °C.
6= multiply the temperature in degrees Celsius by 2, and then add 30 to get the (estimated) temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
if it is TSA- 396 or 395.64
if it is CSA- 88 or 87.92
Step-by-step explanation:
TSA= 2 pi r(r+h)
=2*22/7*7*9= 396
<em>CSA</em>= 2 pi r h
when you use pi as 3.14 instead of 22/7 you get the answer with the decimal symbol.. in such case the TSA would be 395.64 and CSA would be 87.92
I should say 5 is the most clearest answer to me
6 boxes (add the cumulatively)
each box bas 5 pkgs so 10w,5o
1st box: 10w,5o
2nd box:20w,10o
3rd box:30w,15o
4th box:40w,20o
5th box:50w,25o
6th box:60w,30o
You need a min. of 48w and 27o