If I were king George:
I would welcome American delegates who had traveled to London to listen to their complaints about the behavior of British authorities and the taxes. I´d promise them to reflect upon their views and complaints and take a decision regarding taxes and ask army commanders for suggestions to improve the soldiers´ relationships with the colonists. In reality, I would make some concessions and improvements, I could ease the tax burden but only a little, as the finances of the empire were in bad shape after the Seven Years War with France and having to defend more territory in the New World.
The Umayyads were the first Muslim dynasty to achieve success after caliph rule.
General Washington chose to cross an ice-chocked Delaware River winter’s night because his purpose was to make a surprise attack on a Hessian garrison which consists of 1,400 soldiers located in and around Trenton, New Jersey. Washington had hoped that a fast victory in Trenton would boost morale in his army and encourage additional men to join Continentals rank in the coming new year.