A rhetorical analysis considers all elements of the rhetorical situation--the audience, purpose, medium, and context--within which a communication was generated and delivered in order to make an argument about that communication.
example? - Logos is the use of logic, facts, or truth. Pathos is the appeal to your audience's emotions. Ethos is the speaker or writer's character, credibility, and authority.
Courage is a virtue seems like the answer, but I haven’t read the book. Though, I’m making an education guess because it takes courage to go to the moon.
Holden takes a cab to a Greenwich Village nightclub called Ernie's, a spot he used to frequent with D. B. His cab driver is named Horwitz, and Holden takes a liking to him. But when Holden tries to ask him about the ducks in the Central Park lagoon, Horwitz unexpectedly becomes angry.
This is from google.
Hope it helps :))
Yes if it is not your work then it is plagiarism to copy and say you did it. you always want to rephrase your work. (:
Body language comprises gesture, stance, and facial expression. ... When you are presenting, strong, positive body language becomes an essential tool in helping you build credibility, express your emotions, and connect with your listeners. It also helps your listeners focus more intently on you and what you're saying.