Euglena is a protist and it moves with the aid of structures called flagella
Flagella are known as locomotive cells which propels from the body parts of organisms . They are made of protein structures and formed in a helical manner.
They are whip like structures and usually helps in the movement of the protists through liquid surfaces through the whip like movement of the flagella.
Two criteria that would identify the three muscle tissues are myofibers and nuclei.
There are three types of muscles:
1. Skeletal-Contains many nuclei along the length of the muscle cell. The nuclei are displaced peripherally. The skeletal fibers are arranged parallel. The myofibril is composed of bands.
2. Smooth-This tissue contain spindle-shaped cells with a single central nucleus. Smooth muscle fibers are shorter than skeletal.
3. Cardiac-The fibers of cardiac muscle are not simply parallel. Cardiac muscle fibers are long cylindrical cells with one or two nuclei.