Esta abierto (uno, dos, tres, cuatro, cinco, seis, siete) dia(s) a la semana.
Put the number of days after “abierto” and change the “dia” to “dias” if necessary
Hello Friend:
This week I have to do a lot of things.I have to go to the toy store to get a present for my cousin,Ernesto.On Friday I found a store in the center that has a sale going on,i will be getting some shoes.In Mexico brand shoes are really expensive.In your city ,are the shoes expensive or cheap?
Also the answer to your question is true.
Hope this helps!
Marcos y Gustavo (enojarse)se enojaron/enojan con Javier.
Mariela (sentirse)se siente feliz.
(yo) (acostarse) Me acosté/acuesto temprano porque tengo clase por la mañana.
Los jugadores (secarse)se secaron/secan con toallas nuevas.
(tú) (preocuparse) Te preocupas por tu novio porque siempre pierde las cosas.
Usted (lavarse) se lava la cara con un jabón especial.
Mi mamá (ponerse)se pone muy contenta cuando llego temprano a casa.
*those why have two options the first one is in past and the second is in present. (<em>pronominal past/present</em>) the rest are in present.
<h3>Viaje escolar = school trip</h3>
Hope it helps!