When using chopsticks, it is not appropriate to place them vertically. This is because putting your chopsticks facing straight up gives e impression to others that you want someone to die and wish death upon someone.
Scientists believe planets begin to form when a dense cloud of dust and gas, called a nebula, spins around a newly formed star. Gradually, gravity causes the bits of matter in the nebula to clump together. Slowly, these clumps accumulate and grow. Eventually, these clumps become planets.
Japan, Germany, Great Britain, France, and Russia all acquired spheres of influence in China. ... It gave each nation rights to trade freely in each other's sphere of influence. At first, the other powers did not accept the policy.
Eli Whitney,American inventor, mechanical engineer, and manufacturer, most remembered as the inventor of the cotton gin but should be remembered for the concept of mass production of parts that can be used interchangeably