Why you should were a mask Yes, masks are a simple, but critical tactic, in slowing the spread of the virus, so it’s crucial we wear masks to protect ourselves and others . Masks can protect you from getting exposed to the virus. They can also prevent you from spreading the virus to others — this is particularly important if you're asymptomatic. if you care for our future then you should protect it when doing this act of wearing a mask then others are to feel the need to do the same this causes a change and now we aren't just protecting others but we are now saving ourselfs now we can sleep knowing you will be alive tomorrow
Massachusetts law required a tax-supported school for every community that could boast 50 or more families. Puritans wanted their children to be able to read the Bible.
An exclamatory sentence always ends in C) An exclamation point. This is because you are crying out a loud voice, emphatic expression or a vociferation.