Dimmesdale defends and praises Hester in his speech, which would be very strange behavior for a reverend like him.
Hester has an illegitimate daughter and refuses to say who the child's father is. As she lives in a Puritan society where patriarchy and conservatism reigns, she suffers prejudice and insults from the whole society. However, Reverend Dimmesdale (a cleric who should abolish Hester's sin) gives a speech in favor of Hester, where he praises her and reinforces her qualities. This is very strange behavior, which made the whole community suspicious.
The speakers attitude towards the koi can best be described asthe speaker's arguments are not mere rhetorical statements.
in my view
In “The Devil and Tom Walker” Irving is saying that the values in American society lie in the wrong place chosing wealth and financial prosperity over the well-being of others.
Irving sees America becoming greedy and warns the reader not to follow Tom Walkers ´s path that led him to exchange his soul to the devil blinded by his ambition for money.
This statement reflects the popular themes of individualism in the romantic era. The American romantics believed that a man's choices decided his fate. Washington Irving shows how Tom chooses the wrong direction that led him astray from the true values of humanity.