Germany ended up with nothing but what it started with and everyone went back to their lives
- You can learn about the society you live in.
- You can gain an understanding of how your own behavior or life is impacted by the society you live in.
- Sociology can help you understand why a particular social problem exists and may help you to improve society based on that understanding.
Sociology is a social science that aims to study the society and how people relate as well as the factors that underlie it.
With Sociology, one can learn more about the society they live in because this is the core of Sociology.
One can also see how the society may be imparting on their own life as well as understanding how and why a social problem exists. This will enable the person to work on a solution because the first part of a solution is understanding the problems faced.
It is the "National Labor Relations Board" that acts as a mediator in disputes between unions and employers, since many people on both sides of the dispute often claim that the other side is acting unjustly, especially when it comes to negotiations.
Do you know the context?
I suppose the quotation is stressing that the writer has put a lot of effort into getting their argument/grievances heard by the parliament, and that said parliament is 'tyrannical', implying that it rules without concern for the people or accountability to them. It seems that the quote may be a way of justifying some later action, essentially saying; 'we've tried and failed to do this in the proper way, so now we must be more forceful'.
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