Blood type A
Blood type A Rh+
Antigens (on the surface of the red blood cells):
A indicates there are A antigens.
Rh+ indicates there are Rh antigens.
Antibodies (in the blood plasma):
B antibodies.
If there are A and Rh antigens but no B antigens, the antibodies in the blood plasma are B antibodies.
The correct answer would be
- It cures all cases of cystic fibrosis.
It involves the modification of DNA.
- It attempts to replace a mutated gene with normal DNA.
- It does not always cure patients who use it.
Gene therapy is an experimental technique used to treat the genetic disorder by transplanting the normal gene into the cell in order to replace the missing or defective gene in a cell.
It helps in treating genetic disorders such as cystic fibrosis, hemophilia et cetera.
It can be of two types of somatic gene therapy and germline gene therapy.
Sternocleidomastoid, pectoralis minor, scalenes
During normal inhalation, contraction of the diaphragm and the contraction of external intercostals expands the chest cavity. The increased volume of the thoracic cavity results in reduced alveolar pressure than the atmospheric pressure to facilitate the flow of air into the lungs in response to the pressure gradient.
During deep inhalation as it occurs when running up the stairs, the accessory muscles of inhalation also participate to increase the volume of the chest cavity. The contraction of scalene and sternocleidomastoid muscles increase the volume of the chest cavity further to create a greater drop in alveolar pressure.
During forceful inhalation, the sternocleidomastoid muscles serve to elevate the sternum, the scalene muscles serve to elevate the first two ribs while the pectoralis minor elevate the third through fifth ribs.
I belive they are to grow, repair, and reproduce.