Answer: D.
Nearly every time clod went into the seller he made a desperate resolved to clear the place out Sunday reflecting bitterly that the money this wreckage cost would’ve put a boy through college decently
They had built a lean-to for a shelter,
I don’t understand what you’re trying to ask?
I think it is because Balboa considers himself a great explorer like Cristobal Colon (Cristopher Columbus) and Vespucci and the Pizarro brothers. the Of course Cristobal Colon discovered the Americas as did Vespucci whose first name was Amerigo so America was named after him. The Pizarro brothers discovered Peru with its' riches of gold and silver and the empire of the Incas.,Balboa was the first explorer to reach the Pacific Ocean by land over the isthmus of Panama. He later founded a settlement in Panama.