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The correct answer is B) presidential impeachment.
How might similar statements influence congressional action?
presidential impeachment.
Congress has the constitutional power of impeaching federal officials, including the United States President.
When federal officials commit a crime or act in an incorrect way the House of Representatives can initiate an impeachment process.
The impeachment process is the official mechanism to remove the President of the United States, the vice president or other government officials that are suspected of having committed any high crime, treason, or misconduct. If the House of Representatives approves by sole majority articles of impeachment, the matter is presented to the Senate. The Constitution provides the Senate with the sole power to try an impeachment process.
Answer:polling and interrupt
Explanation: polling is a protocol in which the CPU constantly checked if a device request an important attention based on a request. The polling process unit constantly scans the device. Example of polling is when a parallel printer port is pulled to check whether it is ready for another character which involves examining as little as one bit of a byte.
interrupt is a mechanism whereby a device notifies a CPU that it requires a response based on a request. The CPU gets an interrupt signal via an interrupt request line allowing the CPU to spot it's current process and give priority to the interrupt request at that point in time. Example of interrupt is pressing a key on a keyboard which in turn triggers a specific interrupt handler.
Republics are necessary for limited governance. Given that individuals frequently don't use the voting booth for governmental tasks, democracy truly doesn't work well with a limited government.
They sell their votes to politicians who will pay the greatest price for them, and they exploit the government to get an endless supply of free things.
A democracy will start to ignore the rule of law when systematic thievery becomes the norm because it must in order to exist, no matter how severe the corruption. When the next check comes is all that matters.
Thank you,
A. because more people could afford books and learned to read.
C. because new ideas could spread quickly.
E. because it preserved the records of the Han dynasty.
F. because it created the art form of calligraphy.
Although there is some debate regarding the exact date papermaking began in China, the traditional account states that paper was developed during the Han dynasty. Quickly after its introduction, it had many conseuqneces on the population. It made books more widespread, and books became the mark of the educated man. The collections that China possessed surpassed those of Mediterranean empires until the 9th century. Paper was also central to arts such as poetry, painting and calligraphy.