French colonies were mostly friendly with the locals and worked together with them. The women led standard housewife lives while the men were hunters and fishermen and they would work together with local native Americans and trade with them in order to get their help in hunting. They would get furs and leather and take it to Europe. Other men went fishing and whaling and exported that to Europe.
Psalms consists of 5 books, each containing a collection of Psalms.
Between 1921 and 1925 Adolf Hitler developed the belief that Germany required Lebensraum ('living space') in order to survive. The conviction that this living space could be gained only in the east, and specifically from Russia, formed the core of this idea, and shaped his policy after his take-over of power in Germany in 1933.
Stock of a corporation, is all of the shares into which ownership of the corporation is divided. In American English, the shares are collectively known as "stock". A single share of the stock represents fractional ownership of the corporation in proportion to the total number of shares.