8. Which scale key matches the key of this piece--the top, middle, or bottom scale?
Answer: The bottom scale matches the key of this piece.
Explanation: The top scale is what's called a chromatic scale. They start and end on the same note, octaves apart. They consist of only half steps (from white key to black key) and include ALL notes between the lower and higher note. The middle scale is the D minor scale (parallel minor of D Major), but there's no B<em>b </em>(B flat). The bottom scale has 8 notes, qualifying it for a proper scale. Additionally, the notes that are augmented one half step up (or sharped) are F and C, which is the proper scale for D Major.
9. What accidental is used in measure 15? How does this accidental alter the original note?
Answer: The accidental used is a sharp, on the note G. It raises the pitch up by a half step, therefore being G#.
Explanation: There are five kinds of accidentals (only will be talking about 3): sharps, flats, naturals, double sharps, and double flats. Sharps augment the pitch of the note up by a half step, and looks like a hashtag/number symbol (#). Flats diminish the pitch of the note down a half step, and look like an italicized lowercase "b" (<em>b)</em>. The natural symbol is used to signify that on the piano, regardless of key signatures and previous accidentals, the note will be white. The one shown in measure 15 is a hashtag, or a sharp.
10. What is the Italian term for the mark p in measure 1, and what does it mean?
Answer: Piano. It means to play softly.
Explanation: There are six standard dynamic markings. All appear as lowercase letters, and italicized. The five are fortissimo, forte, mezzoforte, mezzopiano, piano, and pianissimo. Fortissimo means to play very loud. Forte means to play loud, but not as loud as you would play fortissimo. Mezzo forte is to play in the medium of the loud spectrum. Mezzo piano means to play in the medium of the soft spectrum. Piano means to play soft, but not as soft as you would play pianissimo. Finally, pianissimo is playing the softest possible.
11. What is the Italian term for the mark mf in measure 9, and what does it mean?
Answer: Mezzoforte.
12. What do the dots below the repeated notes in measure 18 mean?
Answer: Staccato.
Explanation: Staccato is a form of playing that requires shortened versions of notes (has slightly less amount of beats than it should have) and many describe it as pecking at a piece of paper with a pencil, making dots on the paper. The movement is very fast and stealth.
13. What is the Italian term for this mark in measure 6, and what does it mean?
Answer: Decrescendo. This means to gradually get softer.
Explanation: One measure earlier is what the contrast is, crescendo. Crescendo is used to gradually get louder, while decrescendo are used to gradually get softer.
14. Which measure has a double bar line?
Answer: The last measure, or measure 24.
Explanation: Double bar lines signify one of two things (considering context). Double bar lines can mean the end of a piece, or the end of a movement. This, however, only has one movement, of 24 measures, so the double bar line in measure 24 is the end of the piece.
15. What is the name of the curved line above the notes in measures 5 and 6, and what does it mean?
Answer: Slur, it means to connect the notes.
Explanation: You can't literally connect the notes, but you can certainly play it as if it was connected. You would make sure that before one note ends, the next one is already being played, to simulate connected notes. The damper pedal can assist in making slurs effective in the music.
16. What is the meaning of the Italian term andante at the top of the piece?
Answer: At a walking speed.
17. Using the letters A and B, label the score directly to name the form of the piece.
Answer: Measure 1 should be labeled A, measure 9 should be labeled B, and measure 17 should be labeled A.
Explanation: The question is asking what form the music is in. Much like poetry, there are patterns in music. Similar melodies and harmonies are classified into one group (in this case, A) and other different but common music structures are classified into another group (B). The difference between A and B here are the intended key changes and note flow.
18. Using the letters A and B, label the score directly with each letter indicating the start of a new section.
Answer: Exactly like question 17.
19. If measures 1 and 2 are the main motive in the piece, what variation technique is used to develop the main motive in measures 17–20?
Answer: Fragmentation.
Explanation: I'm unsure about this one, but fragmentation is taking segments of different themes.
20. What is the name of the staff this piece is written on?
Answer: The Grand Staff.
Explanation: The Grand Staff is a conjunction of a staff consisting a treble and bass clef, usually for the piano.