He took control of Eastern Europe. hop this helps! ;)
Unrest began in South Central Los Angeles on April 29, after a trial jury acquitted four officers of the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) for usage of excessive force in the arrest and beating of Rodney King, which had been videotaped and widely viewed in TV broadcasts.
Caused by: Reaction to acquittal of four policemen on trial in beating of Rodney King; ...
American propaganda took form in posters (EX. I want you for the U.S. Army; Uncle Sam), books and comic strips (EX. Little Orphan Annie) should themes'of war in them, there was also cartoons or animations of war, children turning into soldiers. The common messages were war help.
Renaissance began to flower in Italy, and northern Europe was recovering from Black Death. In 1400s, the cities of north enjoyed economic growth and wealth needed to develop own Renaissance.