Different perspectives of pschology
1. Behaviroal: they think human behavior is based on the environment.
2. Biological: Human behavior is based on biological activities.
3. Cognitive: How human brain perceive the world
4. Evolutionary: human behavior is based on the evolutionary history.
5. humanistic: treat human as human, focus on empathy
6. sociocuultural: human behavior is influenced by the society and others
B. Using a certain object as a main focus and outing things around it can make out brain understand that that is that main point of the building and that that is the center
You should buy a pastel canvas and use pastels. I made a palm tree art piece and the leaves of the tree looked very precise even as a begginer.
Answer: There are many types of perspective used by artists to convey a sense of space within the composition of a work, including linear perspective, one point perspective, two point perspective, and atmospheric perspective.
Pop Art
I studied Art and Humanities.
Hope this helped! :)