Answer: Rice was not planted by them.
Mr Intzy was a mouse when it came to being in front of an audience. (metaphor)
The empty page stared at me, daring me to write on it (personification)
Snip, snip, snip went the barber's scissors (repetition of words)
The hiss of a snake started me. (imitation of sounds)
His head was spinning like a top (simile)
The best answer to the question above would be the second sentence. The phrase 'Our mission continues' supports the central idea of the speech which is that America's ongoing fight with the terrorists Al-Qaeda will be one that the country will not easily abandon. Other choices are not the main points.
Ethical business practice is concerned with the obligations and responsibilities of business in society to uphold moral norms and to live up to the expectations of stakeholders, publics, governmental entities, and society.
Why Business Ethics Are Important
People do business with other people and businesses they trust. Unethical practices can involve how a business treats its customers, but can also carry over into how the company treats its employees.
The 5 most common unethical behaviors in the workplace
Misusing company time. Whether it is covering for someone who shows up late or altering a time sheet, misusing company time tops the list. ...
Abusive behavior. ...
Employee theft. ...
Lying to employees. ...
Violating company internet policies.