It was the start of the large powerful American military before WW1 the Entirety of the United States Armed Forces could fit in Yankee Stadium now it is over 1 million members strong
It took about Thirty Days.
The Supreme Court upheld the policy of interning Japanese American citizens during World War II.
After the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US officially declared war on Japan. Shortly after this, the federal government was suspicious of Japanese American citizens and feared that many of them were spies for Japan. This is why president Franklin D. Roosevelt passed executive order 9066. This law resulted in the placing of Japanese American citizens into internment camps.
Korematsu was one of those citizens placed into an internment camp. He lated sued the federal government saying that this was a violation of his constitutional rights. However, the Supreme Court sided with the government as they felt that wartime actions can justify actions like the one taken by president Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The industrial revolution began in Great Britain as it had most coal and iron which enabled it to build factories and machines. It spread from Britain towards Europe, where it mostly developed in Germany and it also spread into the US.
Napoleon Bonaparte's biggest reform and influence was the Napoleonic Code. This code forbade privileges based on birth, gave the people freedom of religion and stated that government jobs should be awarded to the most qualified person. The code was not well liked among countries surrounding France at its time of implementation.