Hay una idea sobre la religión que puede incomodar tanto a ateos como a creyentes. Su universalidad hace pensar que está inscrita en el cerebro humano gracias a la selección natural, porque cumple alguna función que ayudó a los creyentes a sobrevivir. Los humanos habríamos evolucionado para crecer con el germen de la fe en algún tipo de dios o dioses, del mismo modo que, según planteó Noam Chomsky hace décadas, los niños vienen al mundo con estructuras neuronales que les permiten aprender el idioma de sus padres. Después, el entorno es el que determina el lenguaje o la religión particular que se aprende.
First announced by UNESCO on 17 November 1999, it was formally recognized by the United Nations General Assembly with the adoption of UN resolution 56/262 in 2002.
ANSWER: There are various steps to solve a problem. The simplest way to solve a problem has only five steps. The second step to solve any problem is to brainstorm what could be the possible solutions to the problem. In case of president addressing a problem, she will invite all the officials of the concerned department and would discuss about the problem and try to figure out possible solutions by considering the practical aspects of solving the problem. They will also have to look into the benefits and problems of the citizens of the country.
The acceptable reasons for study history is B.) It helps support common cultral understanding.
Why?? You would be accepting and learning new and different things about different people. And learning so much about humans past and how they worked and did things differently. So then maybe we can understand why some people do certain things. Like quanza or something. Or hanuukah. ( Sorry i know i proably spelled those wrong)
Anyway i hope this helps!! And can i please get brainliest.
Population proportion
A population proportion, refers to the a parameter that measures the percentage value associated with a population. We can calculate population proportion for example by determining percentage for a given outcome from a population example 96% of the population have a certain disease, the population proportion would be .96