From Networkopoint of view, a node is a redistribution point or communication point or a connection point.
It can also mean devices or data points on a large network Such as laptop, phones, printers, etc
you get a lot of information about the technology you paid for.
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def max_n(arr, n):
i = len(arr)-n
return arr[i:]
Define a function called max_n that takes two parameters, an array and an integer
Sort the array
In order to get the last n largest values, we need to slice the array. To do that we need a starting point. Our starting point of slicing will be the "lentgh of the array - n". That means, if we start slicing from that index to the last in the sorted array, we will get the last n largest values.
Assume array is 10, 2, 444, 91 initially.
When we sort it, it becomes 2, 10, 91, 444
Now let's say we want last 2 largest values, our sliced array index should start from 2 and go until the end
i = 4 - 2 = 2 → arr[2:] will return us 91 and 444
Make more people eligible for affordable health insurance. Consumers who live in families with incomes between 100% and 400% of the federal poverty level are given subsidies under the statute that reduce their expenditures in Act ACA.
The three main goals of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) are to: (1) reform the private insurance market, particularly for individuals and small-group buyers; (2) expand Medicaid to the working poor with incomes up to 133% of the federal poverty level; and (3) alter the way that medical decisions are made. All three goals are founded on the premise that rational decision-making will be influenced by incentives but unrestricted by other factors and will primarily depend on individual decisions as opposed to government regulation. The implicit presumption is that people and organizations will behave in accordance with these reforms to create a valuable good at a reasonable cost paid by equitable risk sharing. Affordable healthcare will be the outcome.
Learn more about ACA from
Make me brainlestttt please and thank you and the answer is no