He jumped up and clicked his heels together
He thought that if he didn't do anything, he wouldn't get chosen because everyone liked the little kids. He jumped up and clicked his heels together, but the ice cream fell off the cone.
Akito. And this means bright person.
Polish Answer : Niektóre z moich nowych rezolucji lat starali i być bardziej miły dla mojej rodziny i przyjaciół inny z mojej nowej rezolucji roku miał zostać asa w mózgu! Szczęśliwie ty kulisy współpracownik mi przy dawanie mi brainliest! Proszę i dziękuję
English Answer: Some of my new years resolutions was trying to be more nice for my family and friends another one of my New year resolution was trying to be an ace on brainly Luckily you could help me by giving me brainliest! Please and thank you.
لديه مبادرة رائعة عندما يتعلق الأمر بإنجاز الأمور
He has great initiative when it comes to getting things done