Take your shirt off, wave it round ya head like a helicopter
The type of bonds that are involved in these transient protein - DNA interactions include: IONIC BOND, VANDER WAAL FORCES AND HYDROGEN BOND.
Protein - DNA interaction occur when a protein bind to DNA molecule; this reaction usually occur in order to regulate the function of DNA, especially that of expression of genes. Protein interaction with DNA may be specific or non specific.
The sodium amytal test involves the injection of a small amount of sodium amytal into the carotid artery on one side of the neck. This injection anesthetizes the hemisphere on that side for a few minutes.
A method that involves injecting a small amount of a barbiturate into the carotid artery on one side of the head to assess hemispheric functions, usually memory and language. The cerebral hemisphere that was injected selectively becomes impaired for 10 to 15 minutes during this operation.
Various cognitive tests are given while each hemisphere is seperately anaesthetized; deficiencies on these tasks imply that these functions are represented in the anaesthetized hemisphere. Prior to a temporal lobectomy, the Wada test may be utilised in cases with severe and uncontrollable epilepsy. Also known as the Wada technique, intracarotid sodium Amytal test (ISA), Wada dominance test, and intracarotid amobarbital procedure.
Learn more about sodium Amytal test (ISA) here;
A or C
Xylem consists of several different types of <u>cells</u>: fibers for support, parenchyma for storage, and tracheary elements for the transport of water. The tracheary elements are arranged as<u> long tubes through which columns of water are raised</u>. In a tree trunk, the innermost part of the wood is dead but structurally strong xylem, while the outer part consists of living xylem, and beyond it, layers of cambium and phloem.