Sorghum and millet are the grains that thrive well in arid environments. Sorghum is a close relative of the smaller millet, with the latter measuring only a third in size to sorghum. It is important to know that sorghum is sometimes called great millet.
Every 192 -gram cup of cooked whole sorghum or millet contains 22 grams compared to wheat (16 grams), brown rice (15 grams), and maize (16 grams).
Since Australia is located in the Pacific ocean, extremes of weather and climate happen throughout a season. El Niño is traditionally defined as a dry climate with reduced rainfall; in this happens to be more extreme in Australia because of its location. La Niña on the other hand is traditionally defined as a wet or cool climate with lots of rainfall; and this is indifferent as La Niña in Australia tend to be more extreme too.
an allergic reaction to the wasp bite
this happens when a wasp first stings u it's only temporary of course
<span>B) The speed is constant and velocity is changing. </span>