(1) mitgebracht
(2) erzählt
(3) angerufen
(4) eingeladen
(5) besucht
(6) bekommen
(7) gefallen
Honestly, I would write what I like to do in the four seasons then Google translate that MF into German ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Do you need help with this?
✓ They can be sold by the country to act as a source of revenue
✓ Exploitation of minerals from their sources provide employment opportunities for the minors
✓The mineral can be used as raw materials for making products
✓ Exploitation of minerals from a country can open the countries trade opportunities with other countries.
✓ The mining of a mineral can lead to infrastructural development
✓Mining can lead to land dereliction
✓Mining can lead to loss of biodiversity
✓ Mining sites are left ugly after after their mineral being mined get exhausted
✓Mining sites after mining is over are usually prone to accidents
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