In cellular respiration, carbon dioxide is formed from the oxidation of glucose molecule.
Respiration is also called energy releasing process. In respiration, oxygen is inhaled through the air into the body which combines with glucose which is present inside the cells. This combination of oxygen and glucose produces carbondioxode, water and energy in the form of Adenine tri phosphate (ATP). Carbondioxode removed from the body through lungs and ATP is used for different processes.
Alkali metals (rarely 'Hydrogen and the alkali metals')
Alkaline earth metals (in old chemistry this name applied only to Ca and its congeners)
Icosagens (unofficial name; aka Boron group; rarely Earth metals)
Crystallogens (unofficial name; aka Carbon group; rarely Adamantogens[a] or Merylides[b])
Noble gases (rarely Aerogens). The Group name may have to be changed to the “Helium group” since oganesson is not expected to be noble.