The correct answer is C. Prewriting
To write a text we have to follow a series of steps. The first is prewriting, in which it is decided which the main topic, the point of view about that topic, the objectives of the text, and a style of writing. Secondly, we must review other sources related to the main topic. The third step is writing taking into account the parts that it must contain (beginning, development, and conclusion). Then, the fourth is reviewed text again to correct some writing errors. According to the above, the correct answer is C. Prewriting.
The usage of "I" in the narrative "Open Window" indicates that the story is told from a first-person viewpoint.
In writing, "point of view" refers to the viewpoint that authors utilize to convey a tale. The tale is told from the author's or narrator's point of view in the first person. As a result, pronouns like "I," "we," "my," "our," and "us" are often used.
there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evid or the article to support your answer (sorry wrong number)Is there a point at which a company should put limits on customer service? Use evidence from the play or the article to supp
It makes it meaning full because of the view
Nov. 25, 2017
The Cultural Club is organising a week-long tour to Jaipur in the last week of December. The place to be visited will be of historical importance. Boarding, Lodging and bus fare will cost ` 5,000/- per head. Those who are interested should contact the undersigned with fees and parent’s written permission by 15th December, 2016.
Rajesh Kamboj
(Secretary, Cultural club)