Rafael y Estela han caminado al correo.
That is the most exact translation, it was a <u>periphrasis</u> (conjugated verb + impersonal verb).
Hi I like apples I don’t know if that’s what you wanted
I like sports. Every day I play football in the park with
my friends and I also play volleyball and basketball.
I love to play tennis but I don't like to play rugby because it is
violent and complicated. On Saturdays I practice swimming with my family at
times and I practice skating with my cousins. I don't like to practice the
skiing because it is difficult but I love to practice judo and athletics
because they are exciting.
Margarita necesita un cinturón para su pantalón.
Margarita necesita su labial para maquillarse.
Margarita necesita la secadora para secar su cabello.
Margarita necesita perfume para oler bien.
Margarita necesita aretes.
Margarita necesita loción corporal para tener una piel sedosa.
Margarita necesita ropa.
Margarita necesita un abrigo.
Margarita necesita brochas para maquillarse.
Margarita necesita zapatos.