I am not 100%sure
but I think it if
I'm not sure if the house is worth all that money.
Fixed Cost: A fixed cost means that it never changes, increases or decreases for goods or services sold/ produced.
Variable Cost: Variable Costs happens when goods/ services a business supplies changes.
Semi Variable cost: Semi variable cost is cost that shows both fixed and variable cost in it's group.
Example Fixed Cost: rent, propety tax, insurance
Example Variable Cost: electricity, gas, wages, and commission
Example Semi Variable Cost: running a vechicle
He did it to end seggregation among the African American players and White players. Also, because he believed that, Jackie robinson would be able to handle any racial slurs that would be thrown to him.
Firatly, the incident of an African American player that was not allowed to stay with his fellow white players in same hotel was an experience that prompted him to raise up to the aim of ending segregation. The argument he had with the hotel staff finally lead to the said player being allowed to stay with the team.
Secondaly, due to the untapped potential of skin coloured people was enormous and he was not confortable skipping them on account of that particular reason. The player who could be able to broke the color barrier would be subjected to jeers, abuse, threats, even assaults. He is so convinced that Jackie Robison would remained dignified in the face of all these, hence the reason he choose him.
Suddenly it dawns on me: <u>the </u>scope of the impending conflict is truly monumental. I had known back in <u>october</u> that political disagreement had reached an all-time high, but I couldn’t have imagined the magnitude of change that was coming down the line.
The canadians tried desperately to have world leaders unite one more time, as seen in a quotation by their prime minister, “knowing the potential and significant impact of countries refusing to negotiate at this point, I would plead with world leaders to make concessions and seek peaceful resolution.” The President <u>hamer</u>, while ostensibly in agreement, made only superficial efforts to realize this eleventh hour maneuver. <u>otherwise</u>, there was little interest, as explained by the lieutenant Governor Steeves of Australia, “<u>many</u> have tried to initiate productive conversations between the competing global forces, without success. Unfortunately, the time for such talks is past.”
Thus is a summary of <u>world</u> <u>affairs</u> leading to our confinement four levels deep underground.
All underlines are suppose to be capitalized