Before Social Media , Many people liked the old classical way and they had there own way to communicate with people. With social media everything changed . Companies started to grow and real face to face communication was shrinking slowly . Kids locked themselves in there rooms to text friends and play games instead of playing outside. But technology does have a good affect for example if it wasn't for technology i wouldn't be able to help you right now ! If it wasn't for social media Wendy's wouldn't be able to Roast people . And contact over the phone would be limited .
3.5X2 cannot be the answer as it too small and not enough information can be put into it. The common size for tri-fold brochures is 8.5X11 or letter size even when 8.5X14 is also a size used it is not the most common size.
David can apply filter to the data in order to show only records that meet the criteria.
- Filter is a very helpful option that displays the records that you want to view, hiding rest of the unwanted records.
- Sometimes you want to extract and view only the records that match a specific criteria instead of viewing all the records.
- For example in the CUSTOMERS table which contains names, addresses, countries of customers. There are several customers from different countries but you only want to view the customers from Spain. So you can use filter feature to view all the customers from country Spain.
- In MS Access you can apply filters using Sort & Filter group in the Home tab by selecting the desired column. In SQL, WHERE clause can be used along with SELECT to for filtering and extracting certain records. SELECT will select the records from the table and WHERE clause will specify the criteria to select the certain records.
The correct answer should be process type of software metric. The process metrics are used to help in strategic decision making. The processes such as work products delivery, expended human hours and conformance to quality and schedule are all metrics in the process domain.
C. Bidirectional
If we want to access elements at an any random offset position then we can use random access iterators.They use the functionality 'as relative to the element they point to' like pointers.Random access iterators are Bidirectional iterators that can randomly process elements,pointer types are also random-access iterators.