These words were said to Creon when Oedipus accused him of treason, because Creon had information that pointed out Oedipus as the murderer of his own father.
This happened because Oedipus sent Creon to the oracle of Apollo, to obtain revelations about who was the assassin of King Laios, whom Oedipus did not know was his biological father. Creon arrived with the information that Laios' killer was among them, among the royal family. Oedipus powerfully seeks the killer, but all the clues point to him. Unhappy, Edipo claims that Creonte is lying, that he is a traitor who wishes to usurp the throne and that he deserves death for that.
Bleak story lines about leaders who terrorize citizens every year by making them watch teens fight to the death and governments who condone mandatory operations to remove emotion describe two of the popular dystopian novels that ... But just what is a dystopian novel and how long has it been around?
Explanation: Tone is achieved through word choice (diction), sentence construction and word order (syntax), and by what the viewpoint character focuses on.