<span>a fiscal crisis in urban areas</span>
Slavery is a term that signifies the injustice that is being carried out against humans since the 1600s. Whenever this word comes up, usually people picture rich white people ruling over black people. However, that is not the only case to exist. After a profound study, historians found evidence that suggested the presence of slavery in almost every culture. It was not essentially in the form of people working in the fields, but other forms. Slavery generally happens due to the
division of levels amongst humans in a society. It still exists in various parts of the world. It may not necessarily be that hard-core, nonetheless, it happens.
Slavery Essay
Impact of Slavery
Slavery is one of the main causes behind racism in most of the cultures. It did severe damage to the race relations of America where a rift was formed between the whites and blacks.
The impact of Slavery has caused irreparable damage which can be seen to date. Even after the abolishment of slavery in the 1800s in America, racial tensions remained amongst the citizens.
In other words, this made them drift apart from each other instead of coming close. Slavery also gave birth to White supremacy which made people think they are inherently superior just because of their skin color and descendant.
Talking about the other forms of slavery, human trafficking did tremendous damage. It is a social evil which operates even today, ruining hundreds and thousands of innocent lives. Slavery is the sole cause which gave birth to all this.
Alexander was born in 356 BC in July, in Pella, capital of Macedonia
In 336 BC Alexander inherited the kingdom after Philip was assassinated. Alexander continued conquering land . Alexander ruled Macedonia from 336 BC to 323 BC. He expanded the empire during his rule and he became the powerful man . Alexander reunited Greece as well as conquered Persian empire and also re- established Corinthian League.
Alexander is known as hero due to various reasons , he was a military genius as well as courageous, he was the one to unite the ancient world. Alexander was the one to spread science, mathematics as well as western philosophy all over the empire. Alexander was an intelligent person as well as very skilled. He was ambitious and had the ability to motivate the troop.
In the 21st century, progressives continue to embrace concepts such as environmentalism and social justice. While the modern progressive movement may be characterized as largely secular in nature, by comparison, the historical progressive movement was to a significant extent rooted in and energized by religion.
Something that motivated Europeans for distant places is the search for money and other materials such as spices, silk , and more