The suitors must string Odysseus's hunting now that he knew how to string. After that, they have to shoot an arrow through twelve axe handles. If they completed this, they would win her hand in marriage.
I believe it is wrong to believe everything. I could see something that says im dead but im reading therefore it is creating a paradox.
The correct answers are A and B.
A) It states how Van Lew acted as an important leader and manager at a time when women were generally discouraged from taking on those roles.
B) It shows that Van Lew was dedicated to a cause outside of her family and worked hard for her beliefs.
In the excerpt, the author develops two main ideas.
First, the author explains that Elizabeth Van Lew was a spymaster who was running a great network agents, couries and safe houses during the world war, which was not a common role for women in 19th century. She indeed played as an important leader and role model for women.
Secondly, the author suggests that Elizabeth Van Lew dedicated her life to being the leader because she believed in this cause. She even used her house for the duty and went past the family limitations which restricted the most women in that age.
showed, reveal expose, etc
there is nothing to win or lose
they're all relative parameters