b. American's attitudes toward wilderness, like the wild lands themselves, are constantly changing (Nash, 2014).
This is the correct in-text citation if you are using APA style. APA establishes that, for an in-text citation, the author and the year of publication need to be mentioned. For the name of the author, we would only include his last name. The year would be presented in the 'YYYY' format, and the two pieces of information would be separated by a comma. If the author's name was already mentioned previously with the quote, then we can omit this piece of information.
Through the back of the store
1.) Monitored
Becuase it is in thier pooint of view
Well here the author says that inner voice of us reveals our feelings, regrets in other words what we live in our life is reflected inside of us. So he gives the example of water .Like our life, it runs quickly and our life also one day will be cut off which means it 'll come to an end. So this sheet of water is one of the pages of our life which is one part of in our long life journey.
The answer is b: that we saw last month