The work has several instances of Winston's curiosity and desire for the past. In light of Oceania's control of the present via modifying its history, Winston's fixation with the past makes sense. Winston often reminisces about his youth, particularly about his mother and younger sister, throughout the book.
Please use your words to avoid plagiarism. :)
A. deferential
<em>He was an important dignitary and was, thus, given </em><u><em>deferential </em></u><em>treatment.</em>
option a. best completes the sentence. to be deferential is to be respectful. so this would mean, the "important dignitary" was treated with respect.
I will not write an essay, but I am going to help you out, (you can use my example) The death of a loved one affects youth because they can make the child depressed, lonely, confused, rejection, and experience a big wall in front of them, and they're not sure how to deal with it since they're so young this death of a loved one can be family, friends, partners. Dealing with any of these is hard I can speak on my behalf for my mom’s brother passed away when I was little he was shot in a hit-and-run while he was working. He died on my birthday and ever since it’s hard for my mom since she has to pretend to be happy while being sad it’s very tragic since he died when I was 6 ever since I have always been sad and felt it was my fault he died, and I’ve become closer in my family tree with death and the true ugliness of the after effects
Using context clues in a paper given about ruling and different countries.
Hope this helped! Good luck :)