Political cartoonists gained currency during the Civil War, when artist Thomas Nast created some of the most instantly recognizable images in U.S. politics, including Uncle Sam, the Republican elephant and the Democratic donkey. Today, political cartoons remain a staple of newspapers' editorial pages.
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The correct answer is A. Pay interest on savings accounts.
They use your money to give out loans and when people pay the loan back with interest, they take the interest and split it between themselves and your account because you were helpful to them.
They learned to have a better navy, because they hired Greek captains to help them become better sailors since their sailors were pretty bad. Once they boarded the enemy then they engaged had-to-hand combat.
A duty is what you owe to your fellow human as a fact of nature, and an obligation is what has been imposed by contract or custom. Generally, one is “obliged,” or “obligated,” by agreement or because of having received a benefit. If you take candy from a store, you have an obligation to pay for it.