Okay so in your statement, it says what printing technology is being used in this image, so look at it very closely and answer it, and if you truly need the help post the screenshot of it so I can really help you from there if not I think the image is pretty straight forward.
They feared being invaded and threatened by NATO because of NATO's exercise of nuclear capability.
Barack Obama is an inspiration for African Americans in many ways. He was the first black president of the United States, sparking hope in politics for young African Americans. Not only that, he was a widely loved president, with other countries and the US's own citizens liking him more than many, many other presidents. He has had many, many achievements in his life, and proudly paved the way for a more equal future in the field of politics for minorities.
After the prewar Communist Party of Poland was eliminated in Stalin's purges in 1938 (some five thousand Polish communists were brought to Russia and killed), a group of survivors led by Marceli Nowotko, Bolesław Mołojec and Paweł Finder convinced in 1941 the Soviets in Moscow of the need to reestablish a Polish party.
from wikipedia
He had a temper that grew worse as he grew older.
<span>He was cruel to the Russian nobility. </span>
<span>He was cruel to the boyars. </span>
<span>He became like that when his wife died of a fever </span>
<span>When Ivan became a complete autocrat he tortured and executed nobles and clergy alike without trial if he thought they were against him. He created an elite military force who wore all black, rode black horses and used the symbols of a broom and a dog's head to show that they were there to sweep out all the dogs, meaning everyone who they considered disloyal to Ivan. </span>
<span>This militia, called the oprichniki, tortured and executed thousands in Ivan's name and at his direction. The worst of this group's actions was the massacre of tens of thousands of Russians in Novgorod in 1569 because Ivan thought they were plotting with Poland against him. </span>
<span>Ivan later began executing members of that militia as well. </span>
In one incident while in a rage killed his own son. Source: http://www.answers.com/Q/Why_was_Ivan_IV_called_the_Terrible